“With Snöball we empower people applying to speak at the event to be able to share that they have submitted content (long before the event start date). This is a great way to get the event on peoples radar and get other submissions in. The more submissions (for content) you have, the better choice you have to pick the best speakers and the most relevant content your attendees would be most interested in.”
Adam also explains how getting amazing content for your event is one of the most important things to do and showcasing this early on leads to an uptick in registrations long before the event start date.
Another important point is, don’t be afraid of people registering close to your event as this is very normal. Early registrations are great and showcasing the value of your event earlier and creating FOMO will lead to earlier registrations. Adam also explains how important looking at your event year-on-year trends are so you can focus on what worked well and got you more registrations earlier. Adam says, “(it’s important) To be able to analyze when you pushed out a campaign by social, how much of a percentage increase that had so you can do more of that in the future. You can’t force people to register but you can keep your brand in the forefront of minds so when they are ready to register it is there for them to do that.”
In conclusion, getting great speakers, great content, showcasing exhibitors, and starting social campaigns early on will lead to an uptick in early event registrations. Also, being composed and not worrying about late registrations is important as this is very normal, trust in your marketing efforts.
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