Meet Smart; Meet Responsibly in Las Vegas
[ad_1] Plan with Confidence What does it mean to “meet smart” in a post-Covid-19 world? Responsible event professionals are partnering…
[ad_1] Plan with Confidence What does it mean to “meet smart” in a post-Covid-19 world? Responsible event professionals are partnering…
[ad_1] Top meeting professionals and dignitaries met this week at Lansdowne Resort and Spa in Loudoun County, Virginia, to celebrate…
[ad_1] Testing the waters for the return of large indoor events, the British government conducted an unusual experiment that will…
[ad_1] You can’t pull your 2019 event designs off the shelf and expect them to work now. Chris Fredericksen, chief…
[ad_1] With the European Union’s announcement that it will be accepting vaccinated travelers this summer, even U.S. meeting professionals can…
[ad_1] Home » Blog » 9 Essential Tips to Reduce Hybrid Event Risk Want the lowdown on all things events…
[ad_1] Event sustainability group, isla, has launched a membership and working group specifically focused on solving the challenges around sustainable…
[ad_1] The news will bring joy to football fans in particular, who should now be able to once again cheer…
[ad_1] You’ve heard the old adages repeatedly: two heads are better than one; we can be better together; there’s no ‘I’ in team; and…
[ad_1] Despite new technological developments in video conferencing, 81 percent of global business travelers have seen their jobs negatively impacted…