
You might be in the process of searching for a virtual event platform. There are several platform options for virtual or hybrid events, but nunify is the most advanced and experienced, starting as far back as 2014. The nunify platform already integrated hybrid events long before the pandemic.

nunify offers numerous features to its platform, from social media integration to AI networking capabilities. Nunify has been ready to take on the challenges of producing events before the pandemic.

Importance of Virtual Event Platforms

There’s no question that virtual and hybrid events provide stats to support the industry’s expansion.

As of now, “most respondents (51.8%) run up to four virtual events per month, with 28.8% running 5-10 events monthly,” based on an Amazon statistic, one of nunify’s many clients.

As we’ve seen in the past two years, virtual events can save money, increase ROI and brand awareness, and expand reach.

The possibilities are endless when you incorporate a virtual component into your marketing strategy.

AI Matchmaking Technology

nunify’s AI technology matches you with your best business compatibility at an event. It opens up the opportunity to network effectively. Not many companies can offer sophisticated technology solutions such as AI.

For those who are unfamiliar, AI technology means “artificial intelligence.” The definition is, “Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision” (Search Enterprise).

These advancements aren’t typical for virtual platforms and networking opportunities. 

Specific online rooms are designed to match your needs for socialization and engagement. The incorporation of speed networking to match based on interests and allows you to meet like-minded individuals.

Not all platforms use AI. However, AI technology takes virtual events to another level. Using AI technology allows you to create your event reality.

Advanced Networking Opportunities

This isn’t your typical webinar when it comes to networking. It doesn’t just use regular chat boxes for engagement and networking for events.

nunify’s platform has similar social media platform interfaces. For example, it integrates a live wall, similar to Facebook, to communicate collectively. Attendees can post instagram-like stories, use twitter-like hashtags and also upload audio similar to clubhouse.Aside from social media connections, nunify offers various online rooms.

Nunify offers various types of online networking rooms. They can be pre-organized or organized at the event. The rooms can be open to other attendees or closed for a private engagement. Anything is possible with online rooms.

Nunify offers speed networking opportunities, similar to speed dating, for a quick match-up with like-minded individuals.

Streamlining Event Lifecycle

nunify was built to be the virtual version of a live event. Every step of an event lifecycle can be actioned through nunify. From registering to ticketing to the live event to surveys and polls. 

Since all aspects of a virtual event can be accessed, your guests can navigate themselves and connect with others, with little help or direction.

It takes pressure off the organizers to have a single source for guests to walk through any event with ease. Nunify replicated the live event format and translated it through a virtual platform.

High-Quality Live Stream

Think about how much video quality matters and the last time you had lags within a Zoom meeting or live event. If you’re going to stream an event, high quality video is crucial. When developing nunify, it was essential to allow for quality video streaming.

One of the biggest complaints about virtual events is the quality of video. ANother key differentiator is we support flexible stream types i.e. you can stream from a web camera or a live stage/studio or pre-recorded 4K videos or integrate zoom/vimeo. This especially is critical to extend the same platform to hybrid events too

We know interrupting, lagging, poor quality, and poor technology can ruin a live event. With nunify technology, you don’t have to worry.
nunify is not just high-quality technology but they offer 24/7 support for technical issues.

White Label & Branding

Our clients have the option of personalizing their event with their branding. 

Nothing personalizes an event better than using branding colors, logo, and all signatures of your business. From colors to backgrounds, navigation to custom icons, livestream overlays to display banners, nunify gives you complete control over your entire event branding. 

Your brand is the forefront, while our robust platform powers the backend. No more branding compromises.

Mobile-First Engagement

Today’s generation depends on their mobile devices. In fact, “over 60% of people look at websites on a mobile device.”

Our platform has native mobile apps that help connect your guests on their own terms – when, where, and how they want. 

Using our apps, organizers get to personalize communications at every step of the attendee’s journey on the move. It helps hybrid events as well, since it makes it easier to track guests and information through a device. Takes pressure off event organizers that guests have everything they need through an app.

Look No Further

It’s hard to argue, nunify exceeds expectations. When designing the platform, the nunify team listened to the needs of their clients and what they expect from a virtual event. In order to satisfy these needs, nunify has redefined how we approach virtual events. As always, thinking outside the box.

“One in three respondents (33.9%) rated their virtual events as very successful, which shows that experiential marketing can demonstrate great potential when executed effectively.” (Amazon) This statistic exemplifies 

Growth in virtual events is expected. As technology keeps pace with advancements and expectations, the industry will undoubtedly expand.

We are the webinar & virtual event experts

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