One might find online streaming a very overwhelming process while organizing a webinar for the very first time. But once one gets through the entire process, one will know that it’s not such a difficult task. There are a few things that have to be taken into account before live-streaming your videos on any platform. Let’s discuss the common and extremely important things to keep in mind before organizing a webinar on any live-streaming platform.

Create or Organize your Content

It is extremely important to streamline the content that you would be showcasing on the live-stream well in advance.

The format of the session needs to be determined, for example, is the event an interactive session, a panel discussion, or another event format? Will there be multiple live participants participating in the webinar, or will it be a pre-recorded video played for viewers?

The content of the webinar i.e. the topic on which the live-stream will be organized, should be prepared in advance. Before the actual webinar takes place, it is ideal to have a few dry runs so that everyone in the team is on the same page and is aware of one’s role. This will help overcome any issues or problems that went unnoticed earlier, and provide a hands-on experience to everyone who is part of the webinar.

Building an Audience for the Webinar

Once you have a content strategy in-place and are aware of what you will be presenting, the next important thing is to understand the audience you will be presenting the content to? The audience should be built by the organizers, keeping the relevance of the webinar topic in mind. It is important to identify the target audience who will be interested in and will benefit from the webinar you are organizing.

Once you know the target audience you wish to target, decide on the promotion plan to let the people know about your webinar. A plan to raise awareness and engagement for the webinar should be formulated. The host can raise awareness through email marketing, social media stories & posts, paid promotions and SMS-promotions. One can build consideration for the webinar by tapping on the pain-points and presenting the value of the webinar.

Don’t forget about the equipment for the webinar

While organizing a webinar through a live-streaming platform there are a couple of things that will be required for a webinar to be a success. The host will require a good internet connection and a device (laptop, tablet, or mobile phone) on which they can conduct the webinar.

To avoid any problems at the last moment, it is advisable to test the equipment and conduct a rehearsal webinar. If you will be including features like interactive chat rooms, polls, etc, you should perform a test of those features as well. Ensure that all the features of the webinar that the speakers and attendees will be using on D-day, should be checked beforehand for a positive experience.

Advanced platforms like Nunify, youtube and facebook allow you to stream using an RTMP stream. Be sure to check your camera equipment, cables, encoder hardware and OBS settings to ensure a trouble free experience.

Choose Nunify for all your Webinar woes

Choose a platform that suits all your needs. At Nunify, we provide you with the best webinar software for live-streaming your videos and conducting webinars. Nunify provides a great user experience to all its users.

Our platform provides features like chat rooms, virtual booths, HD quality video streaming, event registration emailers, and even post-webinar analysis. Our platform aims at easing the woes of hosts and attendees. Organizing a webinar will no longer be a hassle for anyone!

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