How to use on-demand content after a virtual event

Good event content has always been invaluable for attendees. And it seems with virtual events, even more so –  a new poll by Eventsforce shows that 70% of organisers are spending more time and money producing high quality sessions and presentations so that they can engage more effectively with people online.

And it makes sense – the serendipity of networking at in-person events can’t be replicated in a virtual environment so attendees will naturally focus more on the learning aspect of the event experience. But the benefits don’t stop there.  Virtual event content can bring enormous opportunities for organisers to drive post-event engagement, expand audience reach and build much stronger relationships with attendees, exhibitors and sponsors online.

So what can you to with all your content once your event has ended? And how can you best use it to maximise your virtual event ROI?  Let’s take a look.

eBook: Virtual Events – 10 Ways to Keep People Engaged

Virtual Events – The Value of On-Demand Content

Capturing event content and making it available after the event is useful for attendees, non-attendees and your event’s bottom line – and many virtual event platforms like Eventsforce VCD support this functionality.

At many events, attendees must choose which sessions or tracks to go to. Often, it’s a difficult decision especially when the overall programme is stacked with not to be missed content. But an attendee cannot be in more than one place at the same time and has to choose. And despite the best of intentions, delegates can become distracted at events. For example, it can be hard to go to a session if a key client has just contacted you and wants a catch up. This is where on-demand content makes all the difference. The content can be viewed at anytime by the viewer.

For those people that couldn’t come or didn’t know of your event, on-demand can be very valuable giving them a flavour of why they should attend your next event.

And of course, you can add to your bank account (if you wish) by charging for access to on-demand content. Remember, your content is valuable and is worth charging for.   You may even consider charging different rates to those who signed up for the event and those who did not.

How to Use Content Post-Event

Deciding what to do with your event content can lead you in several directions. But if you deliver what your audience wants you will be on the right track.

1)  Look at Attendee Feedback

Some of your decision making will be based on the analytics you collected.  What conversations did attendees have during a specific session?  With this information you can come up with a plan to develop the content further.

For example, feedback could be that a speaker touched lightly on a topical area and your delegates want to explore it further. They want to go deeper. Or perhaps the talk triggered a desire to investigate a niche area that was only a small part of the overall presentation.

2) Reproduce Content in New Formats

Taking your event content and turning some of it into written content is a simple win. From presentations you could create blog posts or write case studies. On the more contentious issues you could publish white papers.  Those thought-provoking nuggets from speakers could be used as material for guest speaker blogs.

If you have enough content on a certain subject area, you could create an eBook. In doing so, you might want to invite contributions from people in the form of quotes and comments. This outreach activity will help keep you and event top of mind with the contributors.  You could also produce some invaluable checklists/top tips for your readers. This content is always well received, especially the ‘How To’ lists.

3) Don’t Forget Visuals and Videos

You might decide that visuals are the way to go. You could make short videos that re-iterate the highlights of the event. Depending on your event you might have a mix of entertainment videos and educational content videos. Short snippet videos are always welcomed. But to mix it up, you could also release full-length speakers’ videos as well.

In addition to video, you might want to get creative and develop some stunning infographics. These are relevant especially when a speaker has given out lots of statistics in their presentation. Or if you’ve run quite a few polls with some interesting results.

For wider diversity and inclusion, you may wish to have caption some of the PPTs and event videos with subtitles. And if your audience would benefit from the content being translated you could do that as well.

Related: How to use polls for better event engagement

4) Host Social Media Chats and Spin-Off Events

Event content can be used with your social media activity. Whether your audience is on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or any of the other social media channels, you might decide to take some of your content and use it to start new discussions across these channels.  For example, a topical issue could easily be debated on twitter through a live Q&A. Simply make sure you have a relevant hashtag that everyone can use and in doing so you will capture all comments. Schedule an hour for the chat, invite a host and answer questions as you go. Twitter chats are a terrific way of staying in touch and reaching new people.

As well as having social media discussions, you can maximise your event content by having spin-off events. For example, you could have competitions, debates, or similar. You could have a monthly quiz around all the on-demand content you post around your event.  Again, your research will provide invaluable clues as to whether to deliver spin off events and if so on what subject areas.

5) Create a Resource Library

With lots of great event content you will be in a great position. You can never have too much content – especially if your attendees find it educational, inspiring and valuable.

You can use that content for ideas for ongoing blog posts, podcasts, newsletters and much more. And that allows you to keep in touch with the buyers, customers, subscribers, readers and listeners. In other words, you can use it to keep close to the people that matter to you.

You can create a valuable resource library on your event website – or host everything on the content hub of your virtual event platform.  After all, you have enough content. Providing a library is a neat way of creating new conversations with your delegates and with the wider community of people who could come to your future events. All you need to do is appoint someone as your data librarian. Show your audience just how seriously you look after your content and it will pay off.

On-Demand Webinar: Choosing a virtual event platform – how to get it right!

Conclusion – Maximise Your Virtual Event ROI

There are numerous ways in which you can use your event content. The captured content can be provided as on-demand viewing. But then as we have shown you can change it, develop it, and keep it in a helpful resource library.

It makes sense to maximise your event content. It gives you reasons to keep in touch with your audience, to demonstrate that you are the go-to source for content and it encourages new people to come to your next event.

Don’t forget to study your analytics to help you establish what you need to do next. If one speaker shone above all others, then you have a clue already. Hone in on what you can do next with that speaker and then call them.

Getting your content in order will be key to your success. Delegates love being able to find content that is relevant and easy to find. Make sure your content meets that criteria and you will be well on your way to maximising your ROI from the event content.

Running virtual events?  Eventsforce VCD is a fully integrated virtual event platform that can support you with registration, live streaming, audience engagement tools, remote speaker management, networking and virtual sponsors and exhibitors. Book a demo or get in touch with the team to see how we can help!


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