To make sure that employees, especially the newly hired, integrate well into your business, know what is expected of them and are able to perform their tasks well, it’s important to have a good employee induction process. This can be done efficiently by using an online induction training software.
Effective use of digital solutions in events management
Digital solutions like online induction training software will help your employees effectively perform their role. The training sessions can be customized to suit the individual needs of your employees. The trainings are also flexible and can be accessed online 24/7, and your HR officers will be able to track and monitor employees’ training progress.
Using an induction training software would help streamline the onboarding process. Employees, especially the newly hired, will get a good grasp on the company behavior and needed knowledge and skills that would help them become effective members of the events management team.
Once the induction process is complete, your employees will be able to know and understand your company’s policies and procedures, get acquainted with the different departments and facilities, be aware of safety and emergency procedures and have a clear grasp of how to effectively perform day-to-day work functions.
Tips for effective employee induction
Being a new face in a company can be unnerving: new colleagues to work with and new bosses to deal with. To add to the challenges of being a new employee, they also need to learn the ropes and they need to learn fast.
There is no better way to give your employees a productivity boost than to give them a well-developed induction process. Needless to say, an employee’s firm grasp of his or her tasks at hand will yield a good work output. The opposite is bound to happen if the employee lacks proper onboarding or induction training.
To help your events management company provide an effective induction process, here are some tips.
Tip #1: Prepare an induction checklist.
Put yourself in the shoes of your employees by recalling the things that you need or should know before starting your work. If your previous work seniors let you swim on your own and you found the experience unnerving, it is then better to have an induction checklist to make working easier and fun. Hence, from sourcing out event suppliers to setting up the copier machine, there is a manual or standard to follow.
Here’s an example of an induction checklist to give you a better idea:
- Orientation of the company’s history, vision, mission and goal
- Introduction of the organizational chart, immediate supervisors and team leaders
- Roles and functions of everyone on the team
- Performance evaluation standards and expectations
- Office work hours and attire
- Office layout and facilities
- Security and access
- Office safety and emergency protocols
This sample checklist covers the items that would orient your new hire on the basics of your company. You can then create other checklists for topics that employees in specific teams positions need to know, such as clients, reporting schedules, communication processes and so on.
Tip #2: Make your team members feel welcome.
After addressing the preliminaries of getting a new employee up to speed about his or her roles and responsibilities and about the thrust of the company, event managers should also make their new employees feel welcome. A warm smile and a nice introduction to the other team members can surely boost the morale of the newbie team member. An email to the rest of the team introducing and welcoming the new employee is a warm gesture too.
Tip #3: Be clear about the job description and your expectations.
One of the ways to ensure an efficient work output from employees is to have a clear job description. People work best when they know exactly what they need to do. In case two or more employees have the same position, managers should delegate the tasks so that each would know exactly what to deliver. Stress on the importance of communication among team members to clarify who does which and when.
Some managers just assume that an employee or a team member would do such and such task, but more often than not, those assumptions result in disappointment and frustration. Therefore, it is best if you make use of the list of duties and responsibilities as your guide in setting up your expectations. Ask your employees if there is something that needs to be clarified, and address the matter promptly.
Tip #4: Encourage team cooperation.
Being in a team requires being able to work well with others, so part of a good induction process is to have a work system that encourages group participation and teamwork. Social interactions outside of the workplace also promote healthy working relationships.
Tip #5: Conduct regular follow-ups.
After the induction process, schedule a face-to-face meeting with the new employee to check how he or she is doing. This way, managers can immediately address the concerns of the new employees. It is also a good way to develop and improve workplace relationships as well as make the employee feel that they are important to your team.
Ask your employees for feedback on the training process and ask if you were able to cover the topics they need. This way, you’ll be able to know what needs to be improved and added to your training program.
In summary, a good induction process for new employees can yield the following benefits:
- It gives employees the right knowledge to ensure an efficient work output.
- It gives employees the right information that would ensure work productivity.
- It gives employees a sense of belongingness and acceptance.
- It gives the event management team a clearer direction for working as a team.
Moreover, a good induction process also benefits the company as it will lessen the cost of low work performance and employee turnover or replacement.
The induction process can be done digitally and efficiently through online induction training software. It would also be nice if managers add a little personal touch by opening the lines of communication and interacting with new hires to make them feel welcome.
https://institute-of-event-management.com/strategies-business-plan http://www.rapidglobal.com/rapid-induct/
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