You have planned a big online event. Now you need to market it and entice people to come to your event. A killer virtual event description is necessary to convince people to attend your event. Without this, no one will know your event is taking place. What are some ways to write an effective event description that will drive event attendance? Below are eight tips to keep in mind while creating your online event description.

1. Align event branding

“Your event represents your company and as such, the event is a brand” says John Hutchinson, a writer at State Of Writing and Assignment Help.  Your event description markets your event and therefore your brand. Make sure your event ties into your company values. Your overall mission as well as the brand logos, colours, voice, fonts and images should all be reflected in your event description.

2. Know your attendees

You need to learn as much as possible about your attendees. Who are the people you are hosting this event for? What do they want and how will they best feel heard? Using past surveys and conducting new surveys is a great way to get to know your audience. Do you notice any trends? For example, is networking the main expectation of your attendees? Highlight networking opportunities in your event description. This entices attendees to want to buy tickets to your events and it keeps them coming back for more events.

 3. Include a great picture

After visiting an event listing, people usually rush to Google Images and YouTube. Why? They’re looking for photos and videos of your event to determine if it’s worth their time. Humans are visual creatures. People don’t just want to read the event description; they want to see it in action and make sure it looks as good as it sounds in the written word on a screen. A captivating, interesting picture can help tell the story and promote your event. Post videos on YouTube of last year’s event where possible.

4. Search Engine Optimization

Creating a page that ranks at the top of a Google search will help boost your event ticket sales. Boost your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by writing your description using words that people might use to search for your event. Here’s what else you can do to make sure your event is easily searchable:

  • Use key descriptive words that relate to your guest speakers, subject matter and brand.
  • Optimize your event listing for mobile searches.
  • Use different content for your event listing and your website—Google rewards websites for having their own unique writing.

 5. Make it Easy to Read

Writing clean, neat copy for your event is essential for establishing rapport and driving ticket sales. “Do not overuse adjectives or add superfluous words to your event description,” warns Marianna Holmes, an event writer at Essay Services and Revieweal. Your attendees want information that is accurate and easily read and understood. Organize your writing and make sure it’s skimmable. Use subheads and bullet points to add to the readability of the event description. It’s important to edit and proofread your event descriptions so they look professional and are free from spelling and grammar mistakes. Using tools like Simplegrad, UKWritings, OXEssays and Essayroo can help polish and refine the content of the description.  

6. Use Your Tools

It’s not a secret that event management platforms can help you write a description for your event, plan your event and so much more. If you are not well versed in hosting virtual events, it makes sense to use one of these tools to help you do the job right.

7. FAQs

Your event listing should include necessary information, such as location and date, however, a dedicated FAQ section can house all the other important information that your guests may need such as cancellation policy, dress code and facility details. Sort through emails that you have received, note the common questions you’re seeing and add them to your page, but be sure to only add what is most important.

 8. Ask for feedback

Get feedback on your writing before it impacts your sales. Ask someone from your audience demographic to review the copy and have them describe their thoughts and feelings. Are they interested in attending your event? This information will help you determine if your copy is effective and help you edit it if it needs some fine-tuning.

Having a concise, well-written event description will help you attract attendees to your event. These eight tips will vastly improve the writing quality of your event description. This will lead to a better overall turnout, ultimately promoting your company and your brand, leading to future success.

Blog writer, Lauren Groff works at Lia Help and Academized Reviews. She focuses her writing on event industry. When she is not writing, she works as an editor at Research Paper Online writing service.

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