
Guess what can make a Sunday more fun and frolic? Easter celebrations! As Lent comes to an end and the Holy week begins, Easter Sunday is an observance that everyone in the family loves to be a part of. 

Owing to the Coronavirus pandemic, it is safer to celebrate Easter virtually, from the safety of your home. Wondering how to go about setting up such an event? We’ve got your back!

Before we share some exciting ideas for a Virtual Easter celebration, here are some facts that you probably didn’t know about the festival and its modern celebration!

  1. Eggs are a symbol of ‘rebirth’ in many cultures and places. Thus, they are used in the celebrations of Easter to mark the resurrection of Jesus.
  1. The idea of the Easter bunny giving candies originated in Germany, and the tradition was brought to the United States by the Dutch settlers in Pennsylvania, in the 1700s.
  1. The White House Easter Egg Roll was started by President Rutherford B. Hayes when few kids approached him asking about a possible Easter egg roll.  

Here are 7 exciting ways to celebrate Easter with your loved ones:   

  1. Attend Virtual Church Service: Going to church and praying together on Easter Sunday is an age-old tradition. But with the rampant spread of Coronavirus, the gathering of a large number of people is unwise. This doesn’t mean that you have to skip tradition, as you can take Easter Sunday service digital, on a virtual events platform!

Platforms like Nunify host live high-quality streaming for up to 1 million attendees with almost no lag, providing a seamless experience of church service for those wishing to attend from the comfort and safety of their homes.

  1. Virtual Easter Egg-Hunt: You can host an egg-hunt competition at home for your kids through an interactive virtual events platform that has an easy-to-understand interface. Parents can collaborate to hide Easter eggs in common spots around the house. The children can then be given a set of simple clues to solve using the gamification features & services that next-generation virtual events platforms like Nunify offer! We’re sure that this is bound to be a fun activity that keeps everyone engaged and happy on a pleasant Sunday morning.
  1. Organise a Virtual Easter Bake-off: While you might not be able to taste the delicacies prepared by your neighbors or family, you can certainly come together with them to organize a virtual bake-off on Easter Sunday! Host a virtual baking/ cooking competition and sit down for a hearty meal after that!
  1. Host an Easter Bunny Talent Show: COVID safety measures shouldn’t hinder kids’ fun. Let your little ones display their creative skills through a live virtual talent show! If your child is shy in front of an audience, you can inject an HD+ quality pre-recorded video during the live-stream, enabling your child to demonstrate their talent even if they can’t participate in the live show! With the emoji reaction feature and chatroom features of our virtual events platform, the audience is sure to be well-engaged for the entire duration of the talent show!  
  1. Send Virtual Easter Baskets: Everyone loves to wake up to gifts from loved ones – especially on the day of Easter! With the ongoing pandemic, sending a package could be an unwise and unsafe choice. Here’s where virtual gifts come to the rescue. Consider sending your loved ones a virtual Easter basket filled with goodies and gifts like e-books or shopping coupons for their favourite stores!
  1. Fun Virtual Easter Trivia: Host a fun virtual trivia to check the knowledge of your family and friends with questions revolving around Easter. Make the session engaging by displaying hints on a shared-screen enabled by Nunify. Engage with your audience through the many engagement features such as pop-up polls, reaction emojis, ‘raise hand’ and private chatrooms. 
  1. Virtual Easter Concert: End the eventful day with a relaxing virtual concert. Groove together to a live musical performance. Bands can use Nunify to live-stream their concert for viewers, or enable a custom RTMP stream which can be integrated into Nunify!

In conclusion, hosting a virtual event is a great way to celebrate a festival together. The online mode of celebration gathers people together to socialize and enjoy seasonal activities no matter how far they live. Also, treasure the festive fun forever by downloading instant recordings for free with Nunify and use the video to make an epic montage that can be made available on-demand. 


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